Preserving the Family Traditions

Goharik has been FINCA’s client for three years. FINCA employees were very interested in the business Goharik runs. In their village Goharik is the only person who is engaged in pottery art, which she has inherited from her parents.

In order to maintain the family traditions, she has taught the interesting and delicate pottery art to her children.. Goharik says-“In our family it is a custom to pass on the family traditions. Our children should continue our work after us”. Goharik prepares very interesting and unique clay souvenirs, which she sells in Yerevan city, Vernisage. Goharik also sells her products to many regular customers. She hopes to expand her business and start exporting her products in the future. FINCA UCO CJSC loans strongly help her to increase production volume. It is evidenced by the sizes of loans, which increased with each lending cycle. Goharik hopes to go on cooperating with our company and FINCA is always willing to assist such diligent and dedicated clients.